New Year, New Space
With the support of many dedicated individuals, churches, and community partners, we are excited to say that we are heading into a new building project for our Liberty Park ECEAP.
What does this mean for LP?
We are expanding! Our wonderful Liberty Park ECEAP program will be moving into a new building in the lot next door in 2020. Liberty Park Community Center will continue running our present programs and more in our current beloved building. LP will now be run out of two buildings, instead of one!

As we say goodbye to a shared space, we say hello to opportunities for growth.
In order to reach more of Spokane, we'll need your help...

We have seen exponential growth in the last year as our program numbers continue rising. We are looking forward to the new space that will allow us to expand our goals and our reach in Spokane. With this new space comes new challenges, and we are extraordinarily grateful for our committed community of supporters who are entering this new year with us. 

Please join our mission to expand our reach and create opportunities for growth in the lives of our Liberty Park families. We rely on the generosity of our community, and we are seeking your support now as we move towards bigger and brighter things.